
Mark Niebergall


Mark Niebergall is a passionate, security-minded PHP software engineer with over a decade of hands-on experience with PHP projects. He is the Utah PHP User Group President and often speaks at user groups and conferences. Mark has a Masters degree in MIS, is CSSLP and SSCP cybersecurity certified, and volunteers for (ISC)2 exam development. Mark enjoys flying drones, casual gaming, and teaching his kids how to push buttons and use technology.

My Sessions

Cybersecurity: State of the Union

Ash Grove B

The cybersecurity landscape is continuously changing as new threats appear and attackers adapt. We will discuss recent notable attacks and breaches, identify growing threats, and analyze current trends in attacks. Learn about effective strategies to increase security and reduce the risk of a successful attack. Delve into PHP security-related features for cryptography, data sanitation, session […]

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Inheritance: Vertical or Horizontal?


Inheritance in PHP can be achieved in multiple ways. We’ll cover both vertical and horizontal inheritance, including abstracts, interfaces, and traits, and when each should and shouldn’t be used. Pros, cons, and common things to watch out for will be discussed so you can take your application to the next level.

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